Product Details

Our products have been proven to provide very fast and high-quality surface cleaning, both when removing thick layers and on more sensitive substrates. Due to high level of cleanliness, re-working or reblasting the surface is not required.
Clean surface finish that meets standards
Compared to slag abrasives, the surface finish is cleaner and free of embedment. With GMA Garnet™ you can easily achieve the right surface profile (50 -75 µm).
Lower Total Project Cost
Besides the reduced blasting time – less labour hours and abrasive consumption, the cost of disposal is also significantly lower than slag abrasives. On a typical project, you can potentially reduce your total project cost by at least 30%.
Clean surface finish that meets standards
Compared to slag abrasives, the surface finish is cleaner and free of embedment. With GMA Garnet™ you can easily achieve the right surface profile (50 -75 µm).
Lower Total Project Cost
Besides the reduced blasting time – less labour hours and abrasive consumption, the cost of disposal is also significantly lower than slag abrasives. On a typical project, you can potentially reduce your total project cost by at least 30%.
GMA Garnet (Europe) GmbH
Kehrwieder 11
Tel.: +49 40 3014228