Product Details

Reduction of color change losses for low pressure paint supply systems
Every color change is accompanied by a certain loss of paint. In standard supply systems flushing agents and compressed air are used to clean the hoses before the next color can be loaded. Thus, the paint loss increases according to the length and the diameter of the hose that is installed between the color changer and the atomizer. To overcome this issue, Dür provides components to build so called pig system, which is a kind of rubber plug, to clean the hose. As the pig may also be used to push the paint back into the container, paint losses can be reduced significantly. But also the consumption of flushing agents decreases. By means of multiple systems, one color can be used while another hose is prepared for the next color.
Every color change is accompanied by a certain loss of paint. In standard supply systems flushing agents and compressed air are used to clean the hoses before the next color can be loaded. Thus, the paint loss increases according to the length and the diameter of the hose that is installed between the color changer and the atomizer. To overcome this issue, Dür provides components to build so called pig system, which is a kind of rubber plug, to clean the hose. As the pig may also be used to push the paint back into the container, paint losses can be reduced significantly. But also the consumption of flushing agents decreases. By means of multiple systems, one color can be used while another hose is prepared for the next color.
Dürr Systems AG
Carl-Benz-Straße 34
Tel.: +49 7142 780