14 - 17 April 2026 in Karlsruhe PaintExpo



28/02/2024 PaintExpo

New Generation of Robots for Automatic Paint Repair

The experience gained from millions of automatically repaired paint defects per year has been incorporated into the next generation of Convergent's AUTOMAPPS Paint Repair Software (SW). Enhanced learning and self-improvement capabilities, faster planning and more defects per hour are the most striking features of this new generation of software, which will be presented for the first time at PaintExpo 2024.

According to the exhibitor, the commissioning and optimisation of repairs with robots in particular has been further simplified and accelerated. Bodies and components can be repaired even more completely with less effort and with superior quality results, even in the immediate vicinity of edges – and even the edges themselves can be repaired.

To achieve this, AUTOMAPPS supports robot-guided and stationary sensors for paint inspection. Various robot manufacturers, tools for sanding and polishing as well as adapters are also supported. More robots worldwide are automatically programmed for paint repair with AUTOMAPPS Paint Repair than with any other software solution, Convergent Information Technologies says. The company works together with leading system integrators.

Photo: Convergent Information Technologies
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